Submissions for Volume Nine are now closed.

Moss accepts submissions in fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. Submissions are limited to current and former residents of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and British Columbia, or those with a substantial connection to the region.

Beginning with Volume Nine, Moss pays $150 for accepted fiction and nonfiction, and $50 for poetry. We buy First Serial Rights. There is no fee to submit.

Submissions for Volume Nine are now closed. We seek to respond to all submissions by the end of April. Accepted pieces will be published in Moss’s annual print edition, released each summer, and also made available to the public online.

Submissions will open for Volume Ten in the fall; follow us on social media (X/Twitter or Instagram) or sign up for our newsletter for updates.

Please see our additional guidelines below:

  1. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable, with the condition that you notify us immediately if your piece is accepted for publication elsewhere.

  2. If you need to withdraw a submission, please respond to the original thread, rather than sending a separate email (you can do this by finding the original submission in your “Sent” email folder, and responding to that).

  3. Though we will consider pieces of any length, we prefer that prose submissions be at least 2,000 words; shorter pieces may be paid at a reduced rate.

  4. Please send your submissions, attached as a Word document or similar, to the email account noted below. Please do not send zip files or links to cloud-based platforms such as Google Docs.

  5. For prose, please submit one piece at a time. Poets may submit a packet of up to seven poems.

For fiction submissions, please email moss.fiction [at]

For non-fiction submissions, please email moss.nonfiction [at]

For poetry submissions, please email moss.poetry [at]

Please do not submit material to the general email account.

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