“A Victorian Seaport and Arts Community”

Conner Bouchard-Roberts

Hard to say
where memory and
story of memory
lay along the shore

this is of course
the gull’s call and echo
down streets
down bluffs

the stone’s weight
of time and present
in one hand,
in the other, bills

eroding cliffs
rising sea
a long walk
to think this over

this all got going
as waves, wind, and roots—
long before she was born
Victoria’s hands were sea-water

walking the valley
again, lost names
accruing silt
and translations

forward and back
in time
Water Street
holds its name

Conner Bouchard-Roberts is a writer, publisher, and book designer. His publishing practice, Winter texts, draws inspiration from his extensive travels as well as his background in Philosophy and Poetics. He owns a bookshop of the same name in his hometown on the Olympic Peninsula—where he is currently serving as the inaugural Poet Laureate.

Originally published in Moss: Volume Nine.

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